Warhammer Fantasy
We transitioned from 6th Ed to Age of Sigmar awhile back and generally are please with the new rule set. With 4 pages of rules plus 4 pages of war scrolls, I have enough info to field and play a good sized high elf army. The biggest plus with the switch is that archers are now a viable unit to field. Also, the rules lend themselves to a more beer and pretzels style of play which suits our small gaming group (minus the pretzels though). Painting the high elves has been slow going to say the least. Moving on...
In her majesty's name
At Fall-In last year, I picked up an IHMN army and committed to painting them up. This is a great skirmish style game that is set in a steampunk Victorian England. I picked up the Servants of Ra who are led by none other than the reborn Imhotep himself. The army is fun to play and was reasonably easy to paint up. Pics below...
Imhotep (impressive fashionista with a distractingly witty personality) , Professor Abir (trendy fanatic/hipster with a large social media following) and the dreaded Mummy (he teleports)
Ambullah and his Nubians (tough and well dressed) with Sairah (quiet type with a penchant for poisoned blades)
Random terrain pieces
I find a good terrain project is something I can turn around on a day with not much going on. Here is a recent project completed with help from my daughter. These will get dual use between AoS and IHMN.
Form on the admirals wake
We have been playing this game fairly religiously at conventions over the past few years. I hope to get some games of this in our local rotation by painting up 1/3000 French and British fleets for this Age of Sail game. Latest prototype below (flags need to be colored and hulls need to be highlighted, but I think I am happy with the values and colors of the sails). More to come on these...
you're due for another "i'm back" post...